Unity ai with scriptable objects
Unity ai with scriptable objects

unity ai with scriptable objects

However, it's worth noting that when used that way they don't contain state themselves- the state for the AI is stored as a POCO externally, created and held in the MonoBehaviour, and passed into the SO every frame as needed to process state changes. It goes against their nature as "data bags" for sure, but there's something to be said for the techniques used in that "Pluggable AI" tutorial series. I've actually come around just a little on ScriptableObjects for logical processing. I've read the literature, I understand the stated reasons, but I've used them for years, they have a valid place. I don't know where this "singletons are devil spawn" stuff starts from. These can be highly useful in Unity and there's plenty of tutorials out there about using them in the C# and Unity context to find important parts of your game in the scene. One thing you didn't mention is interfaces. Even OnEnable/OnDisable doesn't really work, not in the way you expect, so don't use those in SOs. ScriptableObjects don't have any such useful hooks. The main point of a MonoBehavior is that Unity pumps it with a bunch of useful messages: Awake, Start, OnEnable, Update, and more, all of which you may wish to respond to.

unity ai with scriptable objects

you can also modify the fields on a MonoBehavior in-scene whether you cloned it or not. MonoBehaviors on a GameObject let you do everything define-wise that a ScriptableObject does (configure custom fields in a prefab or scene), but you can also stick MonoBehaviors into scenes, where they can reference other stuff in the scene and in the Assets folder. That and handing them off to other content creators on the team to make more goodies in-game. To me, that's one of the ONLY points of using them: editing at debug/test time. But unless you have a better inspector (such as Odin Inspector or Advanced Inspector), you won't be able to change anything on a runtime-created SO in the default Unity editor inspector, something which can often be very useful for debugging. That said, you can make them at runtime all day long, which is a handy way to clone preset databags and modify them at runtime without changing the on-disk asset. The only reason to derive from SO rather than just making your own data class (or just keeping data in JSON / XML) is to let you edit it within the Unity Editor and refer to other assets. I am generally enjoying my venture into Unity so far.

  • As both prefabs and SO cannot reference scene items, it seems as if you kinda get forced to use either singletons (I am not a fan, but will use if it makes sense), GetComponent APIs (I am not a fan as it forces the component to know something about the Scene when I am a big fan of the component being self contained), or nested prefabs (which I will admit I have not fully fleshed out so may have merit)Īnyway any and all constructive feedback would be appreciated.
  • I have a core question around this architecture but also am open to improvements. Previously I had architected the entire solution using ScriptableObjects and RuntimeSets but arguments persuaded me that I was abusing what a SO should be used for.
  • A "World" Singleton that is used by Area components to reference.
  • Area prefab: Instantiates on creation of an area, has a bunch of components that generate and maintain the Area details.
  • Area (class): Contains Area GO reference + some core information around an area.
  • Area dictionary (MB): Accessible to anything that needs to access an area.
  • I ended up with the following main systems. Different components will need to reference these generated areas so need to be accessible. Essentially I have a randomly generated world in which areas of the world can be generated / modified / even removed at runtime. I have a working solution but am curious to get some thoughts on design / improvements or areas that are not "ideal". But after reading this thread I fully respect everything that had to say. I drew a lot of inspiration from (I too think singletons are devil spawn or something that suggests badly thought out architecture but they seem to get thrown around like lollies in Unity discussions).

    Unity ai with scriptable objects software#

    First a bit of background, I am new to Unity and component based architecture but have > 20 years of commercial software development and even worked as a game dev back in the PS2 days.

    Unity ai with scriptable objects